Absinthe Brevans H.R. Giger is exactly from one of the greatest absinthe-recipe books of the 19th Century by J. de Brevans "La Fabrication of liqueurs" manufactured. The special herbs have the same origin as the herbs, which were used in the famous absinthe distilleries of the 19th Century. This is special to this Giger Absinthe:
Here is used alcohol from a mixture of wine alcohol and marc as the alcoholic base.
As the 19th Century practice, Absinthe Brevans is coloured using natural herbs. The result is a sophisticated, authentic absinthe, which existed in the early 19th Century.
Mixing ratio: You should enjoy Absinthe Brevans H. R. Giger best with cold water without gas in a mixing ratio of 1:2 to 1:5.
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