Persico is called in Esperanto, an art-language, that is used only by a few people, peach, but its unique taste enjoy, in contrast to the language, very many people. All the customers, who waited on another decadent luxury-spirit, like the absinthe, and reached the trend-mixture "Sauern with Persico", that was shortened on the basis of a mistake on "Persico", those, won't yet like the Volume 33 rpm Persico. Since many customers are on the search of something forbidden, was aimed put down one by one in old distiller-handbooks and one became finding: The original recipe of the Persico liwueur should satisfy the needs of the customers.
This spirit containes peach-stones, bitter-almond, and peach-bloom-distillation. Furthermore, departures come out of sandalwood as well as roses, carnations, and further ethereal oils to the use. The Persico is delivered in a black bottle, that carries a disco-useful label. The orange shines stroke Volume 33 rpm Persico in the black-light of the disco-bars namely. The preparation with cold water represents another color-effect in that the Persico of peach-coloured changes into the rose-leaf-coloured one and opalizes (it becomes cloudy), as it in the 19. Century usual was. Only this effect distinguishes the "real" Persico since this comes about through the use of qualitatively high-quality ethereal oils.
Persico also was short-term prohibited to the turn of the century since prussic acid was created unintentionally with the processing of stone-fruit. Through present-day technically improved production-methods, nobody must have more fear with the pleasure of Persico of course, but the attraction of the forbidden things remains even.
In the 19th Century is drunk the Persico purely, it tastes well lemon cooling to icy mineral water and a squirt with a shot; of course classically with champagne or champagne. Furthermore, you can use it also for cooking or refining sweets or just with cherry-juice as "Sauern" like earlier in the seventies.